Where have we been led?

As stated in my previous two articles, our men are wimps and our women are now fraidy cats.  And who has led the move in that direction?  This US government.  They like us this way.  These professional politicians keep getting voted back back in regardless of what they may have done.  Their folks back home keep voting them back in because they keep bring home the bacon.  Never mind what they enact helps screw up the country.  Their longevity means more power.  And they love that power.  They have been instrumental in the dumbing down of the country because they control the money to the schools.  They love it.  More votes.  Part of the dumbing down and wimping down has another side-effect that politicians love.  Each generation of children gets less and less character training.  Ask a young person to define honor nowadays and you will likely get a ‘what?’ response.

When Bill Clinton was president, I first heard the term ‘politically correct’.  I supposed that came about because he made most of his decisions based on poll results.  But the term caught on so much that many people began to believe that was the correct way.  So much for the brainwashing over several generations.  that continued to evolve until we ended up with the present president.  I can understand the black people voting for him.  I probably would have too, if I had been black.  But probably the majority of white people who voted for him did it to prove to themselves that they weren’t racially prejudiced.  Never mind the fact that he possessed no qualifications for the job.  Plus he grew up among socialists.  When he came to the US, he surrounded himself with people who wanted to bring down America.  Twenty years before, he wouldn’t have been in the running.  But his promoters timed everything perfectly.  But gullibility and stupidity put him in office.

When Barack Obama took office, the US was still a world power.  But look at us now.  Our president is laughed at by many world leaders now.  He has let Vladimir Putin show him to be a wimp among world leaders.  Obama has proven himself to be a wimp of a man.  He believes all problems can be solved by talking things over.  Let him try talking a hungry tiger out of eating him.  And Russia, North Korea, Iran, and most of the Arab nations are hungry tigers.  In addition, Obama is trying to bring down this country’s economy.  Adolph Hitler used a severe depression to gain his power.  Obama is trying to create his own.  If rioting ever breaks out, as it has in other countries when the economy peters out, he’s got it made.  A little martial law and there goes the constitution.

Obama has been in office less than 6 years.  Just look at how this country has deteriorated in this short time.  We now have almost as many people on the public dole as their are working to support their families.  He nor his minions enforce the laws of this once great land.  And he is illegally creating new laws.  All of this is breach of oath of office, but the legislative bodies seem to be willing to call him on it.  This is particularly true of the Democrat Party members.  They are blindly following along with his wishes.

All of this has me very afraid.  If something isn’t done very soon, we could find us in a revolution.  I would like to be one of the first to volunteer my services.  I can still shoot pretty good.  But I don’t see how a revolution could be successful, given all the technology available to the US military.
I ask everyone reading this to please pray for this country.


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