What happened to the real men?
Something I’ve noticed over a whole bunch is that real men are a disappearing breed. Most of the ones that are still around are in the military. Men such as those portrayed by John Wayne or Clint Eastwood are now categorized as crude or rough. Not to be emulated. But the characters they portrayed were the stuff this country was made of. They stood up for the right and just. Instead, our children are being brought up as pansies. No more rough and tumble games. Instead, mamas cart them everywhere for organized games. And in many of these games, there are no losers. What does that teach a kid? Nothing good. When he grows up and encounters a serious setback, he has no idea how to cope with it. They are being babied and over-protected.
I think one thing that has contributed to this problem is that psychologists have convinced so many that all problems can be solved by talking out the situation. This had its beginnings in husband-wife counseling. From there it mushroomed out to all person-to-person conflicts. The one thing they fail to realize is that there are some people who will not negotiate. For example, a criminal is holding a gun to your head. Do you think he wants to discuss it with you? Possibly in some cases, And now, you only need to look at the current President of the United States. He came on board bowing to leaders of other countries. And he thinks that he can negotiate with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Putin only negotiates when forced to. The same goes with other world leaders. They are gutsy. Our president isn’t.
But to me, the greatest contributor is the elimination of the Selective Service draft. Don’t misread me. I’m very proud of our volunteer military. Until our current president, we had the greatest fighting forces in the world. But the draft worked very well for World War II. There were many volunteers then but also a great number of draftees. And most of all of these fought with the greatest valor, many thousands giving their lives. This has been the history of this country’s fighting men. Damn Proud. The military matures most young men. After high school, I along many of my friends headed off to college. After a few months, a few of them dropped out and volunteered for the draft. Well, two years later, most of them returned to school, much maturer than I, plus the government was helping them pay their way through school. After I finished school, I served my time, also growing more mature. And they taught us to face danger, not run from it.
I still believe that if we had still had the draft, 9/11/2001 would not have been successful. The twin towers would still be standing. There must have been at least 100 men on the 3 flights that hit their targets, but they must have had no military training. The planes were each commandeered by 5 men armed with measly box-cutters. With 100 men per plane, that’s at least a 20 to 1 advantage. But the guys must have been shaking in their boots, no guts at all. Their would have been some minor casualties, the plane may have crashed as did the Flight 93. But the towers and the Pentagon would have been undamaged. Those were real men on Flight 93. The measly box-cutters didn’t freak them out. They charged and saved whatever the target may have been. But it cost them their lives.
When I first went into the service, I took an oath to defend our constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I still stand by that oath and am still willing to do whatever is necessary to uphold it. It’s harder now, though. It seems that our greatest enemies are the domestic ones, starting with President Obama on down. I have no respect for that being that calls himself a man. He is a liar, a thief, and several other derogatory names.
Alright this is enough to say on this subject for now. Its time to take a break. Catch y’all later.
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