Ramblin’ On

Since there are so many subjects to harp on, today I will just ramble a bit.  First off, let’s consider stupidity.  There’s so much of it nowadays.  I think government is trying to corner the market, though.  That includes the schools, too.  They punish kids for the dumbest things.  And these ‘educators’ are supposed to be educated.  Government agencies harassing citizens for things like farmers selling raw milk to the public when the customers wanted it raw.  And then there’s the US Congress and Senate.  They pass the most inane rules and laws trying to gain or maintain their positions of power.  Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid think they are gaining favor with Barack Obama in his efforts to gain control of this country.  But they don’t have the intelligence to realize that Obama is so treacherous that he will dump them as soon as they outlive their usefulness.

This country exhibited it’s greatest show of stupidity in 2008 when they elected a president who is barely an American,  was educated here as a foreign student, had no political experience, no business experience – essentially no qualifications whatsoever.  They repeated this stupidity demonstration again in 2012 when they re-elected Obama who for the previous 4 years had exhibited that he was completely unqualified for the job.

Now let’s consider out child president.  He has many times demonstrated his inability to handle the job.  But many of the items are actually in his game plan.  He is continually doing things to weaken the economy.  He is fomenting racial strife.  He is pitting men against women, queer vs. straight.  He is destroying religion in this country, unless it’s muslim.  He is fostering immorality.  He is turning good character into a handicap instead of an asset.  He’s succeeding in reaching his goal.  And we are letting him through our stupidity, gullibility, and apathy.  His goal – Total control of this nation.  He realizes that our weakness will make us subject to takeover by some other country.  But in that case, he expects to be made ruler of this territory as his reward.  For some reason, these two very real possibilities are not reported by any news media.

I guess after getting into this blog thing that stupidity is going to end up being my most harped on subject.  People get educated, but they aren’t really educated.  They may be highly qualified engineers, physicists, doctors, or whatever.  But they weren’t taught about life.  Most don’t know human nature. And for some reason, many don’t know about such things as honesty, integrity, and character.  They weren’t taught enough history.  If they knew history and human nature, they would know that socialism does not and will not work, except through slavery.

I guess this is enough gripin’ and groanin’ for this article.  I’ll be back here very soon.  Please stay tuned.  I would like for the whole country to be aware of my views because there are many out there who feel the same.  Thanks for dropping by.


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