Is Obama Really Incompetent

Is Obama really incompetent? He pulled the remaining troops out of Iraq against the advice of his advisors. He admits he has no strategy for the defense of Iraq against ISIS. He sided with Hamas and their war against Israel, who was only defending itself. He refuses to block air travel from the ebola stricken countries. And it didn’t start with these. It began on his first day in office.

No, he is definitely not stupid or incompetent. He is pursuing his agenda to radically change this country. He did not have the advantage of growing up in this country. But he did get schooled in the Muslim faith and in Muslim schools. Then he comes to the good old USA to further his education. He partnered with well-known radicals during this time. There is a saying that ‘you can take the man out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the man’. I feel the same about Alabama which i have lived away from since I graduated college. I grew up in the protestant faith. Later I switched to Catholicism. I enjoy the Catholic Church and occasionally attend their services. But I always missed my old faith and eventually returned.

Now let’s look back at our president. He grew up Muslim. He joined a radical protestant church along the way. He will not say the words ‘radical Islamist’ nor will he allow those who work for him to say them. Nor will he allow any derogatory word or act against Muslims or the Muslim faith. Doesn’t this tell you which direction his agenda lies.

Now he appears to be doing more asinine things or not doing the smart thing. Don’t be fooled. He is apparently at the point in his agenda where he has to please no one now. He believes that is he was to be removed from office, this country will have been degraded to such a level that we could never regain what we had before. And he could openly display his Muslim faith.

I’ll end this here. I hope that I got my point across to you. I’ll get back to you soon.


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