More Idiotic Recent Events

I’m going to start with that thing about the Bureau Of Land Management sending out an Army to collect a few cows in  Nevada.  The whole fiasco was unnecessary.  If they wanted Mr. Bundy’s money, they could have gone through the proper channels instead of sending in an army.  Reminds me of back in the 1990’s when Clinton was president.  His Attorney General Janet Reno sent a swat team to Miami to collect little Elian Gonzalez from his relatives.  The purpose was to return him to his father in Cuba.  The whole thing could have been handled by a couple of sheriffs deputies.  That was followed by the Ruby Ridge incident, costing the life of an innocent man’s wife.  After that came the Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, costing several lives.

The feds also pumped money into local police departments to build swat teams.  This has led to the rampant unnecessary use of force and has ended up with numerous mistakes (wrong people, wrong addresses, etc.).  Some of these mistakes have cost innocent lives.  And like the Elian Gonzalez incident, many of these could have been handled simply by a couple of deputies.

Now there is a highly hyped up incident of LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist comments.  I say hyped up because it was a private conversation that someone taped.  Apparently, from reading of his history, he is a racist bigot.  But his team is mostly, if not all, black.  Apparently, he pays them well and treats them well.  If not, they would be on some other team.  It doesn’t seem likely that his players weren’t aware of his racist tendency.  I wonder what kind of comments are made made in the locker rooms of any professional sports team.  I hardly believe that no racist comments occur in the locker rooms of any professional, college, or high school teams.  I know from experience at the high school level.  I dare the news media to record the conversations that go on in any of the professional sports locker rooms.  Now I see that the NBA has suspended him from any association with NBA sports.  But I think this was was mainly a caving in to threats of boycotts, etc. from Al Sharpton.

I see now that Al-qaida is now kidnapping young girls from their schools in Nigeria.  Our government, in its infinite wisdom, is sending a negotiating team over there to talk to the kidnappers to try to get the girls back.  Those girls are going to be sold into sex slavery.  Talking to those kidnappers will be like talking to the hungry tiger standing a few feet from you.  You better shoot him or either run like hell.

What is taking the cake today is the group charging Speaker John Boehner with racism because he publicly stated that he did not like Mexican food.  Those idiots must think that Mexican is a race.  Its a nationality.  There are several races in Mexico including mixed ones.  Even hispanic is not a race.  Ask the census bureau.

Bye for now.


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