Lies, Lies, Lies
It seems that the last two decades have become the age of the lie. It really became evident when Bill Clinton became president. It was readily apparent to anyone who paid attention to his words and way he expressed them. The same goes for his wife. Two extremely conniving people. Plus he hired staff just for the purpose of covering up his crap. During their regime, their press secretaries became their assistant liars in chief. They call it ‘spin’, but it is still spelled LIE. The Bush administrations were somewhat better. The ‘Bush Lied’ charge was mainly just political propaganda.
But this current administration has showered this nation with the biggest assortment of liars it has ever known. I actually hate to hear this president speak, knowing that at least every other sentence will be a lie. His last press secretary, Jay Carney, is quite adept in the art of the lie. I believe the reason for his recent resignation is that it has become impossible to cover up for his boss. Just look at his legislative lieutenants, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. They also can’t talk with a straight tongue. I’m not letting legislators off either. People have known for years that ‘politician’ is spelled ‘LIAR’. But the irony of all this is that people actually believe them.
All of this has drifted down to the general public. Or is it the other way around because we aren’t instilling character into our children? There was a time when an agreement could be confirmed by a handshake. Try this nowadays. You can lose your ass. It has to be in writing, signed, and witnessed before it will hold.
I really think it was really an upward movement, from the citizenry up. It was in the 1960’s that Dr. Benjamin Spock published his book ‘Baby and Child Care’. It became the bible for raising your children. This ruined many would-be parents and their children. His big push was to be not so much a parent, but more of a friend. I admit that I bought into it to a certain extent. But I still believed that there are times that warrant a firmly placed hand on the child’s butt. And I thank God that I knew where to draw the line on his advice. But I still wasn’t that great of a parent. But I guess I was lucky, too. My kids grew up to be some pretty good people. I have to quit complaining occasionally and brag a little. Thank you. Back to the subject at hand. I feel pretty surely that this is when the honesty trait, among others, began to diminish among our population.
One need only listen to radio and tv commercials to see how rampant lying is nowadays. Car dealers used to be the worst. Not so now. For example, an identity theft protection business frequently makes claims that IRS is warning people about the dangers of filing online. There isn’t a bit of truth to this. And then there are the ones making an offer to the next 50 people to call in. Shoot, 50,000 people could call in and get the same sucker offer. It seems like all the advertising businesses have lost all sense of honesty. If you think I’m wrong on this, just pay ‘tention the next time you watch tv or listen to the radio.
‘Nuff on liars. Just close your ears and pretend it aint happening.
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